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G4S Indonesia Partners with PT Perfetti Van Melle to Combat Stunting

G4S Indonesia, in partnership with PT Perfetti Van Melle, organized a nutrition education session in West Jakarta to support stunting prevention and promote community health awareness.
CSR - Stunting

As part of its ongoing commitment to social responsibility, G4S Indonesia, in partnership with PT Perfetti Van Melle, organized a nutrition education session focused on stunting prevention on June 24, 2024, at RPTRA Amanah Bunda, Tanjung Duren, West Jakarta. The event drew participation from dozens of pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, young children, as well as local community health workers and leaders.

The session was conducted in collaboration with nutrition experts from Puskesmas Tanjung Duren and representatives from the local government. It provided vital education on the importance of balanced nutrition for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and young children. Participants were educated on various nutritious foods that are easily accessible and how to prepare them, along with practical tips to ensure that children receive optimal nutrition.

In addition to the educational segment, the event featured a Q&A session, allowing participants to ask questions about proper nutrition for their children’s development. G4S Indonesia also distributed nutritious foods, including boiled eggs, vegetables, meat, and UHT milk, to help the community tackle stunting among young children.
G4S Indonesia’s nutrition education efforts are a key step in supporting the government’s fight against stunting and enhancing public awareness to ensure a healthier future for the next generation.
Cahyanul Uswah, G4S Indonesia's People & Culture Director
This event highlights G4S Indonesia's dedication to improving community well-being through education and actionable support, reinforcing the company's role as a responsible and proactive corporate citizen.